Direct Cost
- Fines in the criminal courts.
- Compensation payable to the victim, which is likely to be met by insurance cover and will therefore result in an increase in insurance premiums.
- First aid treatment cost.
- Worker sick /medical pay.
- Repairs to, or replacement of, damaged equipment and buildings.
- Lost or damaged product.
- Lost production time whilst dealing with the injury.
- Overtime pay for the staff to make up for lost time.
- Costs associated with the rehabilitation of the injured worker and their return to work.
Indirect Cost
- Loss of staff from productive duties in order to investigate the incident, prepare reports, undertake hospital visits, deal with relatives, attend court proceedings.
- Loss of staff morale (which impacts on productivity, quality and efficiency).
- Cost of remedial action following an investigation, e.g. change of process or materials and /or introduction of further control measures.
- Compliance with any enforcement notice served.
- Loss of goodwill of customers following delays in production and fulfilling orders.
- Activation of penalty clauses for failing to meet delivery dates.
- Damage to public image and business reputation.
- Damage to industrial relations, perhaps leading to industrial action( e.g. strikes)
- Attorney fees.
- Degraded client loyalty and support.
- Slowed work pace due to other workers fear of injury.
- Clean up cost of widespread damage.